Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Nicos Weg Review

So, today im gonna tell you about Nicos Weg movie.

 Nicos Weg is a movie from german. This movie is about Nico he went to Germany to meet his aunt. But, at the airport he lost his bag. So, he has to face a problem because he doesn't speak german.  But, thankfully he met people that wanted to help him. In the end, he got his bag back and also he met his aunt.

I feel like this movie is really helpful for people that want to learn basic german language because just like Nico in the movie he learnt a lot of new terms and words. Also, we can learn a lot about german culture and i think this is a fun and also easy way to learn german.

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Suggestion & Offer

 One day at School, there's an extracurricular demo for the 10th grade.

Shila: Hi Cass, how are you?

Cassie: Just fine, thanks. And you?

Shila: Fine, thank you. What are you thinking about?

Cassie: The extracurricular, i'am still confused about what extracurricular that i'am gonna take. Have you decided which extracurricular that you going to take?

Shila: I was thinking about SSR because i love art. What makes you confused?

Cassie: Well, I still don't know what i'm interested in. Do you have any advice for me?

Shila: From what i see, you are very good at taking pictures. How about jepret?

Cassie: I actually never thought about jepret, but that is a pretty good idea. Thank you for your advice Shila.

Shila: Your welcome, now let's register it.

My Goal, My Ambition

  My future goal is to become an architect. Why am I interested in becoming an architect? Because I have always been interested and fascinated by buildings. In order to achieve my goal to become an architect I have to do a lot of research about architecture and I also need to know what it takes to become an architect. To become an architect it requires a lot of creativity, imagination, and idea. To become an architect I have to achieve my other goal that is to get into Bandung Institute of Technology.

My strength is that i'am patient, perseverant, and curious. By having this as my strength i think it is a pretty good start. But, of course I have a weakness too. I overthink too much. I'am lack of confidence and public speaking. I have to overcome my weakness because to be an architect I have to interact with people and also have to be able to explain the project to the client.

I feel like that I haven't done a lot of effort to achieve my goal. So starting from now i have to study harder and also do a lot of research about architecture. Hope that all of our goals will come true!

Thursday, January 23, 2020

The Magic Pot

Once upon a time a farmer, Gopi, lived in a village. He had few acres of land. One hot afternoon, the poor farmer was digging his field. All of a sudden, his spade hit something. Then he continued his digging. “It is a big metal pot," said Gopi. It was big enough to boil rice for more than hundred people. “It does not seem to be of any use to me. I will dig deeper. May be I will find something else," thought Gopi. He continued to dig.

After he had dug for a long time, Gopi felt tired. “It is of no use. There is nothing in this field" he thought. Then at once, he threw the spade into the pot in frustration and sat under a tree to take rest for a while.

After a while, when he got up to leave, he could not believe his eyes. There were one hundred spades in the pot. “This is a magical pot. I will put this mango inside the pot and see what happens," Gopi thought. Then Gopi put a mango into the pot. To his astonishment, he found one hundred mangoes in the pot. Gopi carried the pot to his home and kept in a secret place so that no one would become aware of it.

After that, he put many things in that and everything became hundred folds. With that pot, he became a rich man. The King came to know of the pot and its whereabouts. The King was curious to know about it and he was a greedy King. “I want to find out the secret of the magical pot. If it is valuable, it should be in the King treasury," the King thought. Then at once, the King ordered his men to bring the farmer and his pot.

When the magic pot was brought to the King’s chamber, he did not know what to do. The King thought, “Let me see what is there inside this pot which makes this pot so magical?" He peered inside. Inadvertently, he slipped and fell inside the pot. When he climbed out of the magic pot, he was shocked to find that there were one hundred Kings.

All the kings then started to climb the throne. They fought among themselves and died. The magic pot lay in the King’s treasury. “The foolish King took away the magic pot from me out of curiosity and eventually he died. This magic pot has killed the King himself," said the farmer and he to be safe left the magic pot at the treasury of the King itself.

1. What Gopi find?
2. What is the synonym of the word astonishment ?
3. What is the King character?
4. In the last paragraph, What happened to the king?
5. What is the moral value of the story?

Change the direct sentence to indirect sentence
“The foolish King took away the magic pot from me out of curiosity and eventually he died. This magic pot has killed the King himself," said the farmer

Thursday, January 9, 2020

My Holiday

 The last school break, I didn't have any plan for it. So, I just stayed at home to spend my holiday. It was really boring because I didn't have anything to do. I started the day by waking up at about 8 o'clock. Then I took a shower to freshen up my body. After that, I watched a movie on phone. When it's already 11 o'clock i had lunch. Sometimes I help my parents cleaning the house. Then, I took a nap.
 When I woke up, I played my phone again and watched movies or tv series until i felt really bored. At 7 o'clock i had dinner with my parents and my sister. Then I watched my favorite shows on Youtube all night long. I kept awake till late night during my holiday and went to bed at 12 pm. My daily activities were like that during the holiday. Although, it was a boring holiday, but at least i could refresh my mind from school.